Happy Birthday Mommy!
Today is my mommy pooh's 63rd birthday, if she were on earth. It is her first in heaven. I miss her so much. It's been a really hard day, the worst one yet. I do not wish her back to earth, I am happy for her not being in pain, and being with the Lord and her mom again. I just miss her like crazy here. Life is so different without her, it will never be the same. I'm learning to live with the new "normal" but it is very hard. I made her a cake today, her very favorite. We called it "chocolate, chocolate, chocolate" It's a chocolate cake, then chocolate chips are mixed in before baking, then chocolate frosting on top and between the 2 layers. She loves that cake and I had to make it today for her birthday. 3 of my aunts called today to check on me and that was such a wonderful surprise. They were all concerned for me and for my dad today. We made it through the day but not without many many tears.