I will be leaving my BreathofDawnStudio shop open until fall/winter to see if the higher-end scarves and winter items will sell. If they do, I might keep that shop as a seasonal shop. I will not be leaving Etsy altogether, I will still log in with the one shop in order to check on sales, and to check in with my teams. I'll just be laying a little low until Fall. I can still be found on Facebook at My Fan Page.
A Great Big thank you to all of the customers who have come to me and been loyal to me. I also need to thank my Etsy friends who taught me so much and supported me during some hard times. You all are dear to my heart. And thanks to my husband who has supported my time on Etsy, and my other family members who bought from me and supported me emotionally. Of course I thank and praise God for the success I had on Etsy over the last two years. I had 319 sales as of today, with 100% positive feedback. Maybe someday God will bring me back to Etsy on a more regular basis, who knows. Until then...
Sorry to hear you are leaving, but I completely understand. We have to walk the path God chooses for us even if we don't understand it. I still hope to see you from time to time on the CAST thread. I was looking forward to getting to know you better this summer.
Take care and always hold God 1st!
Trish =)
I am glad I can still see ya around on FB, kinda :(, but I will Praise Him and live in His JOY for you Anastasia!!!
I first heard about you and your mom almost a year ago, and have prayed for you often, seeing you go through the struggles you and your family have gone thru has impressed me with what a strong and special woman you are. I know how hard change is - and you have had more than your fair share, so I pray for Gods grace as you go thru another one.
be blessed, Anastasia, and i will still look forward to running into you every now and then!!
God bless,
♥ Cory
When God leads we follow. Follow your heart, my dear sister in Christ.
This is how we know you - mattscraftywife. When I first came to CAST, your avi was the sillouette of a mom holding a baby. She's gone now, but Anastasia is still here.
Farewell, Matts. You indeed were a blessing. Now the Lord has new direction for Ana and I'll support her in all her new pursuits.
Blessings always
oh my kindred,
your banner is the one I designed so very long ago, before we even knew each other! I will always know you as Matt's Crafty Wife, but even more than that, you are my kindred and I think this is a good move for you. It's a fresh start and the beginning of a new era for you and your family. I will always be praying for you and I think of you everyday that I wake up and turn my light on- there is my yellow and white angel crocheted lovingly from my Gram's thread from your sweet hands. Love you sweetie and I know you will be great!
oh my kindred,
your banner is the one I designed so very long ago, before we even knew each other! I will always know you as Matt's Crafty Wife, but even more than that, you are my kindred and I think this is a good move for you. It's a fresh start and the beginning of a new era for you and your family. I will always be praying for you and I think of you everyday that I wake up and turn my light on- there is my yellow and white angel crocheted lovingly from my Gram's thread from your sweet hands. Love you sweetie and I know you will be great!
Matt's you were one of my very first friends on Etsy and it won't be the same there without seeing Matt's Crafty Wife in the threads. I was just remembering that before I knew much about you, I thought you were probably in your 50's because of the wisdom and maturity that you always displayed in your comments and actions online. You always come across as calm and grounded and peaceful in all of your comments. I was so shocked when I first saw your photo and realized how much younger you are than you come across online. You are truly wise beyond your years and that's why I am sure that you have given this serious and prayerful consideration and I know it must be the right thing for you to do. Things happen in life that change us and it's good when we recognize when it's time to break free from the old and start something new.
I am thankful that we will still be able to connect on FB and will still be on Etsy with your other shop. I love you, Matt's and you will always be Matt's to me!
Matts, That's how I will probably always refer to you. It is always sad to close a chapter but as that door closes you enter into a new one. Your faithfulness to the Lord is so evident and you display His love in all your posts. He will bless this new chapter. And I can't wait to get updates on where He is taking you!
Anastasia, I pray God will bless you and your family - help you through the hard times and bring you some new and good ones. Thank you for your encouragement since I started CAST a few months ago.
Much love Julie x
All the comments I have read so far have blessed the socks off of me and made me cry a lil! Thank you all so much. I love you all and appreciate you.
Good luck in all of your future endeavors! I pray that the Lord blesses you and cpmforts you this Mother's Day especially. ((HUGS))
You will be missed, but are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep looking up and He will guide you. God bless!
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